How can I expand my business? How can I make my work and myself known to people? You are not the only one if you have such questions running in your mind while you want to make yourself and your business relevant to people.
Who is stopping you then? Go tell the world about you, blow your own trumpet, who else will do it for you if you don’t do it for yourself? There is no one else in the world like you. You are a brand and work on “The Brand called You”. Yes, you read it right you are a brand, tell the world about you, make yourself relevant and make heads turn for you. Does this sound straight from ‘do it yourself’ self help series types? But this is how the world works, explains… .Ashutosh Garg, author of bestseller ‘Brand Called You’ in his workshop on why building a brand is important.
Why is brand building important?
“To stay relevant”, is the simple and crisp answer to this question. For any successful business it is important to have a wide reach to the target people. Not only is it important that people know you but it is also important to tell the world how you and your brand are different from others in the field. Brand also helps in networking with the right people for you and your business.
“Let your work speak of yourself” insists Ashutosh because “Brand you, is a story that is unique and is important to be told to the world”.
Personal branding is about uncovering what is true and unique about yourself and this is about letting everyone know about you who matters. “Every successful person has painstakingly built his/her own brand”, is how Ashutosh explains in his masterclass.
How to build ‘brand You’
Businesswise, they say, your brand is the essence of your own unique story and the key is to reach deep inside you and pull out a unique ‘you’. ‘Brand you’ is your reputation and your personal branding helps you make the most of what you have to offer.
For building a ‘brand you’ it is important to identify your strengths and skills and differentiating yourself from your competitors and crafting a unique value statement about yourself.
Consistency of your persona about what others look in you is an important attribute for brand building. Consistency in a brand is seen when you communicate your message in a way that does not deviate from the core brand proposition.
A strong positioning of the brand is extremely important so that it makes a place in the mind of the target audience.
Not only is it important to consistently remain connected and networking with one’s audience is important, it is required to connect at an emotional level. “Biggest mistake people make is to forget the relationship they had developed”, emphasised Ashutosh Garg, in the master class ‘The Brand Called You’, organised by PATA India as part of the series of masterclasses on tourism in Delhi.