Binny Yadav
Senior journalist with experience of more than 20 years in reporting and editorial. In a span of more than two decades she has worked in print, electronic media and digital media while also producing and making documentary films.

Khwaja Rasheeduddin
Managing Editor
Khaja Rasheeduddin, journalist with 35 years’ experience, served print and digital media in a career spanning over 35 years. Among the newspapers and magazines he was associated with different newspapers and magazines and websise during professional journey.

Dr Bobby Luthra Sinha
Consulting Editor
Senior writer, Political scientist and anthropologist, she is an expert in picking up deep down issues and hidden lines between the political narratives and highlights how it may or may not be relevant for the people or the citizens for whom these have been designed.

Dr Neelam Verma Batra
North America Correspondent and senior journalist based in Canada
Senior Journalist and author, with an experience of around thirty years in media she has actively covered political issues and has been known for her investigative knack and research based work.
1971: A War Story

Kavita Sharma
Resident Editor
Kavita Sharma is a senior Journalist with more than 20 years of experience in various streams of media including TV, Print and Digital media. She is also involved in training young talents as media faculty. She is a passionate story teller too and her creativity reflects through her videos.